

1. 加强团结,与同事相处融洽,合作愉快,心往一处想,劲往一处使,组成一个团结协作的大家庭。

Strengthen unity and get along well with colleagues, co-operative heart to a wish, to make an effort to form a unity and coordination of the extended family.

2. 我工作勤奋,组织能力强,而且与他人相处融洽。

I am hardworking and organized, and I work well with othes.

3. 与任何群体的人相处,他都融洽自然;与任何人相交,他都有共同之处。他明白何时该说话,何时该沉默;他善于交谈,也善于倾听;当自己没有什么可述说的时候,他能够中肯地提出问题,并适时地接受教育

He is at home in any society; he has common ground with every class; he knows when to speak and when to be silent; he is able to converse; he is able to listen; he can ask a question pertinently, and gain a lesson seasonably, when he has nothing to impart himself

4. 与任何群体的人相处,他都融洽自然;与任何人相交,他都有共同之处。他明白何时该说话,何时该闭嘴;他善于交谈,也善于倾听;当自己没有什么可陈述的时候,他能够中肯地提出问题,并适时地接受教诲;他总是跃跃欲试,但从不妨碍别人;他是一个让人感到愉快的伙伴,让人可以依赖的朋友;他懂得何时应当严肃,何时可以玩笑;他敏捷而机智,嬉闹时不失优雅,严肃时不怒自威。

匿名回答于2021-06-30 20:30:53
