

Millions of,后面接可数名词单数

匿名回答于2024-06-09 09:18:15

"百千万" (bǎi qiān wàn) is a Chinese idiom that means "a lot, many, numerous, countless." It is often used to describe something that is very large or abundant. Here are some examples of how "百千万" can be used in English:

1. There are "百千万" people in the city. (There are a lot of people in the city.)

2. The company has "百千万" employees worldwide. (The company has many employees worldwide.)

3. She has "百千万" books on her bookshelf. (She has many books on her bookshelf.)

4. He has an "百千万" dollar business venture. (He has a very large business venture.)

5. The project requires "百千万" resources to complete. (The project requires a lot of resources to complete.)

匿名回答于2024-06-01 19:01:18
