

one 是开咅节won是闭音节

匿名回答于2024-05-26 00:32:49


one在单独存在时发/wʌn/,但是在很多复合词中仍然保留其原本应有的发音,比如alone only alone 中都发/ˈəʊn/,这是它本该有的发音。


1. hole 洞 / whole 整个的

There was a hole  in the road, and it took a whole group of workmen to fix it. 路上之前有一个洞,而一整群工人去把洞填补了起来。

2. know 知道 / no 不

Do you know where my phone is? I’m sorry, no I don’t. 你知道我的手机在哪里吗? 抱歉,我不知道。

3. knew 知道 (know的过去式) / new 新的

Yesterday I knew where I had put my new coat. Today I have fogotten. 昨天我还记得我把我的新外套放在哪里。但今天我就忘了。

4. where 哪里 / wear 穿着

I don’t know where I’m going to wear this hat. 我不知道我要戴这顶帽子去哪里。

5. for 为了 / four 四

Can you wait fir me, please? I shouldn’t be more than four minutes. 可以请你等我吗?我四分钟以内就会好了。

6. threw 丢 (throw的过去式) / through (穿过)

The boy threw the ball through the window. 那个男孩把球丢过窗户。

7. mail 信件 / male 男性

Our mail  is usually delivered by a male postal worker, but today it was a woman. 我们的信件通常是由男性邮差送的,但今天来的是女性邮差。

8. son 儿子 / sun 太阳

Don’t leave your baby son  out in the sun, he will get burnt! 别让你的宝贝儿子曝晒到太阳,他会被晒伤的!

9. piece 一块 / peace 和平

Please give her a pirce of chocolate, and then we might have some peace. 请给她一块巧克力,我们就能获得片刻宁静。

10. one 一 / won 获胜 (win的过去式)

The race beeen the o men has just finished – I wonder which one  won? 这两个男人之间的比赛刚刚结束,我想知道是谁赢了?

匿名回答于2024-05-12 13:39:50
