

大明湖景色优美秀丽, 湖上鸢飞鱼跃,荷花满塘,画舫穿行,岸边杨柳荫浓,繁花似锦,游人如织,其间又点缀着各色亭、台、楼、阁,远山近水与晴空融为一色,犹如一幅巨大的彩色画卷。大明湖一年四季美景纷呈,尤以天高气爽的秋天最为宜人。春日,湖上暖风吹拂,柳丝轻摇,微波荡漾;夏日,湖中荷浪迷人,葱绿片片,嫣红点点;秋日,湖中芦花飞舞,水鸟翱翔;冬日,湖面虽暂失碧波,但银装素裹,分外妖娆。Daming Lake, beautiful scenery, the lake diving kite flying lotus filled pond, boats and walking through the shore Yang mentioned thick, flower-decked, Yourenruzhi, it has also been dotted with colored booths, Taiwan, House, House, Yuanshanjinshui with clear sky be integrated with the same color, like a huge color picture. Daming Lake all year round beautiful scene, especially in days of high Qishuang the most pleasant autumn. Spring day, warm air blowing on the lake, Stir Gently rocking, microwave felt; summer, the lake Dutch Lang charming, verdant lit, Yanhong little; autumn, the lake aloe fly, birds fly; winter, the lake although the temporary loss of blue waves, but the Silver Art Su-wrapped, exceptionally enchanting.

匿名回答于2024-05-28 07:13:36
