

to 和of 都是介词,of表示从属关系,to通常是指向关系 the way to that city 通向那座城市的道路 the parks of that city 那座城市的公园

匿名回答于2024-05-29 17:30:46

1. of 表示“所属关系”—— 意思是“属于谁的”。


Bejing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。(首都北京是中国的,不属于其他国家的)

This is one page of my book. 我是我书上的一页。(这一页是我书上的,不是其他书上的。)

2. to 表示“针对关系”—— 意思是“针对谁的”。


I found the key to the door. 我找到了门的钥匙。(这把钥匙不是属于这扇门的,而是专门打开这扇门的。)

This is the correct answer to the question. 这就是问题的正确答案。(答案不属于问题的,而是针对问题的答案)

of 表示“所属关系”,to 表示“针对关系、对象关系”,具有针对性。 


the answer to the question

the solution to the problem

the response to the inquiry

the reaction to the proposal

the reply to the letter

the key to the door

notes to the text

the exit to the cinema

the entrance to the hall

the bridge to knowledge

the way to school

the road to victory

the key to success

a visit to the Great Wall

a letter to the president

the Monument to the People's Heroes

a challenge to the theory

匿名回答于2024-05-14 05:54:45
