
start to do和start doing造句?

1. I decided to start to do my homework as soon as I got home from school.

2. She promised to start to do her exercises every morning to improve her fitness.

3. The team leader encouraged us to start to do our research for the project early to avoid any last-minute rush.

4. He finally made up his mind to start to do volunteer work at the local community center.

5. The company CEO urged the employees to start to do their part in reducing waste and promoting sustainability.

6. After years of procrastination, she finally made the decision to start to do something about her unhealthy lifestyle.

7. The government launched a campaign to encourage citizens to start to do small acts of kindness to create a more compassionate society.

8. The teacher advised the students to start to do their revision well in advance of the exams to ensure better results.

9. The new employee was eager to start to do her assigned tasks and make a positive impression on her colleagues.

10. The coach emphasized the importance of players to start to do their warm-up exercises before every practice session to prevent injuries.

匿名回答于2024-06-08 07:41:53
