

1. ABC (美国广播公司) - American Broadcasting Company

2. ABC (维生素) - Auxiliary Brigade Commander

3. ABC (法语字母表) - Alphabet des Bretons et des Celtos

4. ABC (计算机编程) - Assembly, Basic, or C

5. ABC (化学) - Active Bystander Coordinator

6. ABC (澳大利亚电视网) - Australian Broadcasting Corporation

7. ABC (美国海军) - Aviation Boatswain's Mate

8. ABC (中国) - Anywhere But China (a term used in online gaming)

9. ABC (游戏) - Annoying But Cool (a term used to describe someone who is loved despite their quirks)

10. ABC (美国航空母舰) - Amphibious Assault Carrier

11. ABC (瑞典语) - All Babies Channel

12. ABC (加拿大) - Already Been Chewed (a term used for food that has already been partially digested)

13. ABC (计算机编程语言) - A Programming Language

14. ABC (美国航空母舰) - Anti-Ballistic Missile Cruiser

15. ABC (美国陆军) - Assistant Brigade Commander

16. ABC (美国空军) - Airborne Command Post

17. ABC (西班牙语) - Already Been Chewed (a term used for food that has already been partially digested)

18. ABC (美国陆军) - Armored Brigade Combat Team

19. ABC (中国) - Anything But Chinese (a term used to describe a product or service that is not from China)

20. ABC (美国海军) - Aviation Boatswain's Mate of the Seaman Branch

21. ABC (英语) - A Bit Confusing

22. ABC (美国海军) - Assistant Broadcasting Controller

23. ABC (英国) - Artificial Bovine Colostrum

24. ABC (计算机编程语言) - A Programming Calculator

25. ABC (美国) - Alternative Breakfast Club

26. ABC (美国) - Always Be Closing (a term used in sales)

匿名回答于2024-05-14 23:06:22
