

1. our last summer, called parting.

  2. three years is a very long movie I can not bear to see the outcome.

  3. In the graduation season, we collect memories together.

  4. Some people actually said that love will be reduced in the respectively, in fact, when the love of things do not feel more sweet.

  5. To study hard for more than three years later, your senior can live a pig, and in order to laugh at the end, please study hard.

  6. After graduation, you go, I guarded a real look at the smile as we smile face.

匿名回答于2024-05-28 07:10:08

以下是 50 个英语单词,可以送给同学,帮助他们扩展词汇量:

1. Accomplish:完成,实现

2. Admire:钦佩,羡慕

3. Ambitious:有野心的,有抱负的

4. Brilliant:聪明的,杰出的

5. Cherish:珍惜,珍爱

6. Compassionate:有同情心的,慈悲的

7. Diligent:勤奋的,刻苦的

8. Empathy:同情心,共鸣

9. Enthusiastic:热情的,热心的

10. Faithful:忠诚的,忠实的

11. Generous:慷慨的,大方的

12. Grateful:感激的,感谢的

13. Humble:谦虚的,谦恭的

14. Honest:诚实的,正直的

15. Hopeful:有希望的,抱有希望的

16. Inspirational:鼓舞人心的,激励的

17. Joyful:快乐的,愉快的

18. Knowledgeable:知识渊博的,有见识的

19. Leadership:领导力,领导才能

20. Loyal:忠诚的,忠实的

21. Modest:谦虚的,适度的

22. Nurturing:养育的,培养的

23. Open-minded:开明的,开放的


24. Positive:积极的,乐观的

25. Qualitative:高质量的,优质的

26. Respectful:尊重的,有礼貌的

27. Responsible:负责任的,有责任感的

28. Self-discipline:自律的,自我约束的

29. Teamwork:团队合作,协作

30. Thoughtful:体贴的,考虑周到的

31. Trustworthy:值得信赖的,可靠的

32. Versatile:多才多艺的,多功能的

33. Visionary:有远见的,有眼光的

34. Wealth:财富,财产

35. Wisdom:智慧,明智

36. Zeal:热情,热心

37. Altruistic:无私的,利他的

38. Amicable:友好的,亲切的

39. Benevolent:仁慈的,善良的

40. Charismatic:有魅力的,迷人的

41. Courageous:勇敢的,有勇气的

42. Dependable:可靠的,可信赖的

43. Diligent:勤奋的,努力的

44. Enchanting:迷人的,有魅力的

45. Eloquent:口才好的,雄辩的

46. Excellent:优秀的,杰出的

47. Flexibility:灵活性,适应性

48. Graceful:优雅的,优美的

49. Humility:谦虚,谦逊

匿名回答于2024-05-24 05:26:53
